Fury (3 of 4)

Monday, November 20, 2006

Running along only a few steps behind Dante, Emily was ready to throw the open the fire door the moment they reach it. But with only a few metres to go, Dante pulled up short and whirled around. It took Emily a moment to stop, and by the time she'd turned around, Dante was blocking the path, his baseball bat raised. Beyond him, the angel was standing, looking like some kind of a living statue.

"Out of my way mortal." he growled at Dante, his eyes locked on Emily "This does not concern you."

"Gwinette" Dante said, cocking his head to one side "I don't know if I should be insulted that you don't remember me, or flattered that you called me mortal"

The angel head snapped towards Dante in surprise. There was a moment of recognition before Dante's bat connected, breaking in half and knocking the angel from its feet. Dante delivered two lightning kicks to the perfectly sculpted stomach, and then ran. He grabbed Emily by the arm as he ran past, pulling her towards the glowing green of the exit sign.

"God that felt good!" Dante said, panting as he pulled the door open and stumbled into the stairwell. "Come on, we've got to get to the roof. That won't slow him down for long"

"Then why didn't you just shoot him? You've got a gun!"

"I'm out of bullets. And besides, it wouldn't have been nearly as satisfying."

"You know him?" Emily said as they raced up the stairs, her voice high with disbelief. She was in much better shape than Dante, and was hardly out of breath as they passed the second floor.

"You could say we used to work together. But that would imply some kind of choice on my part and actually doing something useful on his. But yeah, I know him. And I know he's going to kill you when he gets his hands on you, so keep moving!"

"What the hell is going on?"

"Been wondering that myself..." Dante whispered to himself.



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